Friday, February 15, 2013

Fat Is good for you and we should start advocating butter over highly processed vegetable oils, and dumping skim and low fat milk for full cream.

Fat Is good for you and we should start advocating butter over highly processed vegetable oils, and dumping skim and low fat milk for full cream.

I know that anyone who have been a little bit concerned about health has probably dumped their butter for corn oil and is filling their fridge with all sorts of low fat milk, yoghurt, cheese and even low fat mayonnaise. Well surprisingly non of these claims promoting low fat diets improve health or lower cholesterol or decrease heart disease turned out true ...

In my opinion butter,milk, eggs, meat,chicken, grains, veggies are all healthy and are all essential for a balanced diet and god made the for us to eat and benefit from,  and don't contribute to causing disease. It is processed foods, like butter that came from cows that have been given hormones and fed tons of genetically modified grains to make it grow bigger and produce more milk, and oils form seeds that have been sprayed with tons of pesticides and processed with chemicals and very high temperatures , and eggs that come from chicken that's has been eating unhealthy diets and raised in inhumane circumstances and fed hormones to make it lay more eggs and vegetables that has been altered and modified to be tolerant to specific kinds of pesticides so they can spray as much as they want without harming the crops, this is what causes disease. So just find a clean source to buy your food and eat it in the most natural form possible. Processing food alters it is components and makes it toxic for your body.

Facts about fat

1-   you don't have to add fat to your food and you shouldn't skim your food of it is natural nutritious fat, your body does need fat to function properly.

2 -   if you are gonna use fat for cooking use the most natural type that hasn't been processed  either natural butter (zebdah balady), extra virgin olive oil or extra virgin coconut oil and even though they are healthy you still have to use them in moderation.
No studies showed a coloration  between increasing fat in diet and heart disease but there is a coloration between increasing trans fat ( processed fat) along with sugar and white flour with heart disease, cholesterol and all kind of disease

3-   your body does need saturated fat, take them in the most natural form.To round out your healthy fat intake, be sure to eat raw fats, such as those from avocados, raw dairy products, and olive oil,  raw nuts and cocoa and also take a high-quality source of animal-based omega-3 fat like salmon and other fatty fish

4-   Drink your full fat milk, raw if u can, from grass fed cows.

Powdered milk is bad for our bodies

Did you know that almost all low-fat and some skim milk contain added skim milk powder to add body?  Unfortunately, the powdered milk is produced in such a way that it becomes a health hazard.  In order to make dried milk powder, milk is forced through tiny holes at a high pressure.  During this process, the cholesterol in the milk becomes oxidized, resulting in milk powder that damages arteries and that actually raises the risk of heart disease and clogs your arteries.

t’s becoming widely accepted that fats actually curb your appetite, by triggering the release of the hormone cholecystokinin, which causes fullness. Fats also slow the release of sugar into your bloodstream, reducing the amount that can be stored as fat. In other words, the more fat in your milk, the less fat around your waist

saturated fat in milk is very healthy for you , and most of the milk nutrition is removed if you skim the milk, besides milk is full of vitamen A and D which need fat to be absorbed. the alteration of milks fat by pasteurization on high temperatures that make it harmful for you, if you drink raw whole milk that's the most nutritious and digestible way for ur body. I ll talk about
pasteurized milk and its harms to the body in more detail later. For now just switch to full cream at least.

Another potential problem with consuming skim milk or low fat milk is vitamin A deficiency. Because vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin, its concentration in milk is reduced through the removal of fat. As a result, when skim milk or low fat milk is consumed and digested, the vitamin A needed for the assimilation of its protein is drawn from the liver. This can deplete the body’s reserve of vitamin A, and in turn, increase the risk of autoimmune disease and cancer.5

the Harvard School of Public Health and other institutions studied the weight and milk consumption of 12,829 kids ages 9 to 14 from across the country. "Contrary to our hypothesis," they reported, "skim and 1% milk were associated with weight gain, but dairy fat was not."

We are often told to watch our consumption of dairy because it raises our bad cholesterol, the kind known as LDL. But LDL comes in at least four varieties, and only the smallest and densest of them are linked with heart disease. Dairy fat, it turns out, affects only the large, fluffy kind of LDL—the benign kind

5-   studies have shown that eggs don't contribute in high cholestrol, again it is eggs that have been laid by chickens that were injected with hormones ate unhealthy food that caused their eggs to be unhealthy for you, so eat your eggs but get organic eggs

6-   Whole foods – real food that has been minimally processed and manipulated – contain so many symbiotic micronutrients that work together to produce the end result. The moment you start taking these ingredients apart, you lose the overall nutritional value, and you change how the nutrients operate inside your body.

7-  In my opinion adding fat to food is as harmful as removing fat from food. if you're not eating enough fat, then you're likely getting too much of other things, namely carbs. Low fat diets causes depression, increased cancer risk , poor vitamen absorbtion, overeating...

The key is to use the right Type of fat in its most natural form and with moderation

Saturated fat is not bad for you

1- Improved cardiovascular risk factors

 The addition of saturated fat to the diet reduces the levels of a substance called lipoprotein —that correlates strongly with risk for heart disease. Currently there are no medications to lower this substance and the only dietary means of lowering Lp(a) is eating saturated.Moreover, eating saturated (and other) fats also raises the level of HDL, the so-called good cholesterol. Lastly, research has shown that when women diet, those eating the greatest percentage of the total fat in their diets as saturated fat lose the most weight.

2- vitamin absorbtion

Fat  is crucial to the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins, which includes vitamins A, D, K and E.Without an adequate amount of fat in your diet, your body is unable to effectively absorb the fat-soluble vitamins that are essential to your health

That's is not a green light to go add a cup of butter over your food but it is a good idea to add a tsp of olive oil with your salad or spinach, or a hand full of nuts and some avocados with any high vitamen meal.

3- studies showed no collection between saturated fat and heart disease

When they pooled data from 21 studies that included nearly 348,000 adults, and surveyed their dietary habits and health events for anywhere from five to 23 years, they found no no difference in the risks of heart disease and stroke between people with the lowest and highest intakes of saturated fat.
Most likely, the studies that have linked the so-called “Western diet” to an increased heart disease risk simply confirm that sugar and refined carbohydrates are harmful to your heart health. Because although the Western diet is high in red and processed meats and saturated fats, it’s also alarmingly high in sugar and refined carbs .

4- decrease appetite
 When you eat fats as part of your meal, they slow down absorption so that you can go longer without feeling hungry, and they also signal the body that it is full, low fat diets are likely to make you overeat.

5-heart health
The preferred fuel for your heart, and also used as a source of fuel during energy expenditure

6- Improved  liver health
Adding saturated fat to the diet has been shown in medical research to encourage the liver cells to dump their fat content

7- healthy lungs

For proper function, the airspaces of the lungs have to be coated with a thin layer of what’s called lung surfactant. The fat content of lung surfactant is 100 percent saturated fatty .Some researchers feel that the wholesale substitution of partially hydrogenated (trans) fats for naturally saturated fats in commercially prepared foods may be playing a role in the rise of asthma .

8- Healthy brain

You will likely be astounded to learn that your brain is mainly made of fat and cholesterol. A diet that skimps on healthy saturated fats robs your brain of the raw materials it needs to function optimally.

9- Strong immune system

Saturated fats found in butter and coconut oil (myristic acid and lauric acid) play key roles in immune health. Loss of sufficient saturated fatty acids in the white blood cells hampers their ability to recognize and destroy foreign invaders, such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Human breast milk is quite rich in myristic and lauric acid, which have potent germ-fighting ability.

Vegetable oils and margarines

Vegetable oils (and margarine, made from these oils) are oils extracted from seeds like the rapeseed (canola oil) soybean (soybean oil), corn, sunflower, safflower, etc. They were practically non-existent in our diets until the early 1900s when new chemical processes allowed them to be extracted.

Unlike butter or coconut oil, these vegetable oils can’t be extracted just by pressing or separating naturally. They must be chemically removed, deodorized and altered. These are some of the most chemically altered foods in our diets, yet they get promoted as healthy.

Vegetable oils are manufactured in a factory, usually from genetically modified crops that have been heavily treated with pesticides. This article has fascinating videos contrasting the production of vegetable oils and butter.

Vegetable oils contain a very high concentration of Omega 6 fatty acids and polyunsaturated fats, which cause an imbalance of these oils in the body. Omega 6 fats are easily oxidized with heat or light exposure. This is another reason that when these types of fats/oils are incorporated into tissue like skin cells, the heat and light from sun exposure can increase skin cancer risk.

In another study, Dr. Vivienne Reeve, PhD, Head of the Photobiology Research Group at the University of Sydney irradiated a group of mice while feeding while feeding different groups of them polyunsaturated and saturated fats. She discovered that the mice that consumed only saturated fat were totally protected from skin cancer. Those in the polyunsaturated fat group quickly developed skin cancers. Later in the study, the mice in the saturated fat group were given polyunsaturated fats. Skin cancers quickly developed.

The study also divided the data into ten year increments. What they discovered is that during the first ten years, there was little association between margarine consumption and heart attacks. However, during the second decade of follow-up, the group eating the most margarine had 77% more heart attacks than the group eating none!

Because vegetable oils oxidize easily, they deplete the body of antioxidants since the body must use these to attempt to neutralize the oxidation. People with high consumption of vegetable oils and their products are at risk for Vitamin E deficiency and other deficiencies.

"These facts are about how vegetable oils are processed here in the USA I don't know if this is the same practices done in the middle eats and there is not enough info or research for me to know. But as I understand that there is no natural way to extract vegetable oils"

I do encourage you to watch this video

Trans fats 

What is trans fat?

Trans fat is made by adding hydrogen to vegetable oil through a process called hydrogenation, which makes the oil less likely to spoil. Using trans fats in the manufacturing of foods helps foods stay fresh longer, have a longer shelf life and have a less greasy feel.

Trans fat raises your "bad" (LDL) cholesterol and lowers your "good" (HDL) cholesterol

Trans fat in your food

Commercial baked goods — such as crackers, cookies and cakes — and many fried foods, such as doughnuts and french fries — may contain trans fats. Shortenings and some margarines can be high in trans fat.
Avoid the words hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils.

The Meaning of Zero Trans Fat

Reach for the product whose label shouts "0 Trans Fats!" and what do you get? Maybe some trans fats. That's because the FDA allows that label on anything with 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving.

I don't know if in the middleast we have the same rules for labeling

What you really should be avoiding it trans fat and hydrogenated fats which are man made and are the main causes for lots of diseases.

Oils and Fats to Avoid:

Vegetable Oils and their fats should be avoided completely. There are much healthier alternatives and there is no reason or need to consume these types of fats. The main culprits to watch out for are:

Canola Oil
Corn Oil
Soybean Oil
“Vegetable” oil
Peanut Oil
Sunflower Oil
Safflower Oil
Cottonseed Oil
Grapeseed Oil
I Can’t Believe Its Not Butter (YoBenefits:u better believe it!)
Smart Balance (Not a Smart idea!)

Oils and Fats to Use Freely:

There are so many wonderful and healthy fats that are beneficial to the body, so there is no reason to consume the unhealthy ones above. Fats that can be consumed freely for optimal health are:

Coconut Oil- Filled with Medium Chain Fatty Acids and Lauric Acid, coconut oil is an all star of the saturated fats. Coconut oil does not oxidize easily at high temperatures or go rancid easily, making it a good choice for cooking and baking. It also makes a great natural moisturizer and can be substituted for butter.

1- Coconut oil has a saturated fat called lauric acid, a type of MCT. It has been shown that lauric acid increases the good HDL cholesterol in the blood to help improve cholesterol ratio levels

1- also positively affect our hormones for thyroid and blood sugar control. People who take coconut oil also tend to have improvements in how they handle blood sugar, for coconut can help improve insulin use

2- Coconut fats have special fats called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). It has been shown that breaking down these types of healthy fats in the liver leads to efficient burning of energy. One 2009 study found that women who consumed (about 2 tablespoons) of coconut oil daily for 12 weeks not only did not gain more weight, but actually had lowered amounts of abdominal fat, a type of fat that is difficult to lose, and contributes to more heart problems.

3- boost thyroid function helping to increase metabolism, energy and endurance. It increases digestion and helps to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

4- use it as a body moisturizer, lip balm, and hair oil.

Meats – Meat, especially red meat, has gotten a bad rap, and unfortunately, the animals we eat have been as mistreated nutritionally as we have. Meats like grassfed beef and free range chicken has a very different nutritional profile than their feedlot counterparts. Grassfed and free range meats have higher nutrient levels, healthy forms of saturated fats and even omega-3s. If possible, consume these forms of meat.

Butter ( zebdah balady)-This one food is usually the one people are happiest to start using again. Butter tastes delicious, and pastured grassfed butter is an excellent source of fat soluble vitamins, healthy saturated fat and other nutrients. In contains a compound that Weston A. Price called Activator X, known to improve nutrient absorption and have preventative benefits against disease.

Organic Cream ( eshtah tazah) also a good source of healthy saturated fat.

Extra virgin Olive Oil- High in monounsaturated fats and low in polyunsaturated fats,  It shouldn’t be used for cooking since its high monounsaturated fat content makes it susceptible to oxidation at high temperatures ( don't overheat olive oil)


1- Blood Pressure: Recent studies indicate that regular consumption of olive oil can help decrease blood pressure.

1. A high consumption of olive oil appears to improve bone mineralization and calcification

2. Heart Disease: Olive oil helps lower levels of blood cholesterol leading to heart disease.

3. Cancer: The phytonutrient in olive oil mimics the effect of ibuprofen in reducing inflammation, which can decrease the risk of breast cancer and its recurrence.

Palm Oil- Has a high saturated fat content and is also heat stable.

Avocados and Avocado Oil- A good source of monounsaturated fats

Fish- Fish are naturally high in Omega-3 fatty acids and can help improve the Omega-3/Omega-6 balance in the body. Look for sustainable wild caught not farm raised.

Eggs- Another all-star in the healthy fats community, eggs are loaded with vitamins, healthy fats and necessary cholesterol. Consume them daily from free range sources.

As it turns out, consuming conventional or organic eggs and cholesterol in them does not necessarily raise your levels, according to a 1999 study in the Journal of American Medical Association. Sounds counterintuitive to what the public as heard for decades, but here's how they explain it:

95 percent of the cholesterol in your body is made by the liver.
When you eat grains and food and beverages high in sugar, the sugar enters your bloodstream and is then converted to saturated fat because your body doesn't need the extra sugar.
Saturated fat increases cholesterol levels in the body and not necessarily the consumption of cholesterol.

Nuts-eat your nuts raw, or blend them in a blender to form a peanut butter or almond butter


Plant sterols. Some nuts contain plant sterols, a substance that can help lower your cholesterol

Fiber. All nuts contain fiber, which helps lower your cholesterol. Fiber also makes you feel full, so you eat less. Fiber is also thought to play a role in preventing diabetes.

Omega-3 fatty acids. Many nuts are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are a healthy form of fatty acids that seem to help your heart by, among other things, preventing dangerous heart rhythms that can lead to heart attacks

Vitamin E. Vitamin E may help stop the development of plaques in your arteries, which can narrow them. Plaque development in your arteries can lead to chest pain, coronary artery disease or a heart attack.

L-arginine. Nuts are also a source of l-arginine, which is a substance that may help improve the health of your artery walls by making them more flexible and less prone to blood clots that can block blood flow.


  1. so glad to hear that we can add butter to our saute vege w out feeling guilty, but why canola oil is bad as i know it good like coconut oil, that's why some known diets allow fats w protein

  2. Canola is a man invented seed, it is a genetically modified seed to start with, and then all vegetable oils are extracted using chemical processes see the video here

  3. Try to get the most natural butter u can, u can't trust commercial butte, I recommend zebdah blady from a trusted source
