Monday, September 23, 2013

Feed your soul to satisfy your hunger

Primary food

Health is not just about the food you put in your mouth, health is about what you feed your soul, you nourish yourself with your relationships, your career, your physical activity and spirituality….a healthy body needs a healthy mind.
Remember when you were a kid and you used to play outside for hours not thinking about food, your mother would call you for lunch and you would be begging to stay a little longer, you were satisfied with your primary food, you didn’t need to stuff your mouth up to feel full, that’s where we want to be, we want to be fed by the energy and passion in our life rather than food.
We get hungry for fun, love, success, excitement, spirituality, and adventure, If we don’t satisfy our primary needs we will be looking for other ways to feed our hunger like chocolate and burgers, and weight gain is only one of the consequences.
If you’re in an abusive relationship, a career that you hate, or lacking spiritual aspect of life, eating all the greens and fruits that you can will not make you healthy, happy and satisfied. You need to address your primary issues first.

1-      Relationships

Negative relationships can drain you out, leaving you tired and anxious, reduce the time you spend with people who impact you negatively and who have a bad influence on how you feel about yourself, fill your life with positive people who can make your face shine with a smile, who pushes you forward and loves you for who you are, never allow yourself to be abused emotionally, your feelings come first.

Find the amount of love and social life that is just right for you, some people feels the need for lots of friends and some feel better with just two or three and having lots of alone time, experiment with what works for you.

2-      Career

Choose a job you love, or learn to love your job”

We spend most of our day at work; more than the time we spend with our loved ones, but opposing to be being very picky with who we relate too we can get stuck in a career for years that we really dislike.

We put lots of effort and energy and time in our work, and it impacts us back by leaving us feeling self-fulfilled, motivated, and happy or drained, angry and frustrated.

Find the work that you love:
 get a piece of paper and write down everything you would love doing including hobbies, activities…
Start putting job titles for these things, list all the possible jobs .
Try to round them down to three or less
 Start taking the needed steps to take your dream job into reality, keep working for it, You will be your best at what you love.

If you can’t reach your dream job, learn to love your work:
 Get a piece of paper and write down everything you love and hate about your job
 Appreciate the things you love
Work on changing the things you hate, let’s say it’s the salary or the day structure, put your effort in changing that.
 improve your work environment, organize your desk, put some nice flowers, be near people that impact you positively, avoid draining relationships at work and avoid conflicts, have your own touch can leave you feeling happier and more satisfied at work.

3-      Physical activity

This is one neglected important aspect in a healthy body and mind, it’s not just about losing weight, our bodies need to be active to thrive, it helps your bodies’ chemistry to be in balance, it helps your body be strong, it helps your self-confidence,  it improves your mood and energy throughout the day, and it helps you relax.

Make sure you give your body a chance every day to get active, you don’t need to go to the gym or get the latest equipment just a small walk or taking the stairs will do the trick.

The challenge is to find the type of exercise that you enjoy the most, you are more willing to stick to it, and also think what time of the day is best for you, some people have more energy in the morning some in the evening, choose what works best for you there is no wrong or right way just a matter of personal preference.

4-      Spirituality

A higher power, whether rooted in a religion, nature, or some kind of unknown essence

Connect yourself to a power that is larger than you and your own problems and interests.
Spirituality is different for every person; it could be religious acts, prayer, walking in nature, sitting by the beach, meditating, deep breathing or going yoga…
Quite the busy mind, relax the body with what you believe is the best way for you, find a way to let go of your worries and connect to a higher state.