Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Going back to nature

Our modern society is lacking peace, content, and happiness. The rates of depression, insomnia, eating disorders as well as diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and  blood pressure have tripled over the past years. A combination of physical and emotional imbalance is invading the world.

I feel that the more life complicated life gets, the more stuff we have, the more it is hard for us to find content, peace and happiness.we usually don't appreciate most of what we have and sometimes we don't even use it or see it, and we are no longer able to distinguish between what's is good or bad  for us.We have too many things to choose  from which makes it so stressful to decide and leaves us with lots of regrets and wrong choices.

appreciating the little things in life sometimes inspires me more than anything, a new journal with a soft leather feeling and flawless paper to get me writing, or some veggies fresh from the farm and a pan to get me cooking, or a bright beam of sunlight entering through my windows to make me feel energized...etc. 
We really need to get more connected to the beautiful natural things that are available for us free everywhere not in department stores.


 I specially feel this with my kids, they have access to tons and tons of toys but they seem to not be content or happy with what they have, my 4 year old would always tells me "mum I am bored and I don't know what to do I don't like any of my toys and there is nothing to be done".... And I would always reply by saying "ok I ll take them all back to the store ", so I decided to think out of the box and experiment a little bit.I decided to remove all the toys and leave just 3 toys and a couple of stories for the whole weak, i ll also the start with the toys that needs less hassle and are simpler to play and change them weekly, my guess would be she would play with the fewer toys alot more and be less bored cause she doesn't have tons of confusing options and no hard choices. I ll let u know how it goes by the end of the week and invite all parents to experiment too.

The same things happens to our system when we are exposed to too many food choices, in old times people knew by extinct what to eat. they craved the right foods for their body, warm comfort foods in winter , fruits in summer, they craved the food that ll nourish their body and ll provide it with exactly what it needs, they didn't need health coaches or diet books.

Now are bodies are thrown off balance, we cant tell what and how much and when we need this particular food, we crave all the wrong foods, we binge we diet we starve ourselves and nothing works. it is not our fault, thousands of  unhealthy processed options on racks cereals, sauces, dressings and snack bars..Etc, they are easy and attracting but they mostly lack what you are looking for nutrition.

Processed food is the worst thing people invented, it goes into the body and gives the body all the wrong signals, sometimes the body doesn't even recognize it as food it doesnt know where to put  it or how to categorize it, it raises your  blood sugar or cholesterol level and it doesn't give u the energy you were looking for, the nutrition your body was lacking, so your body will keep searching and craving more food. I believe processed food is the number one cause of most health issues and no matter how much and what type of food u decide to eat from earth in its natural form, I doubt that it ll cause any harm.we hear about people binging on pizza, chips, pastas, burgers, cakes ... But I never heard about someone over eating grilled chicken or carrots or brown rice or fruits to a degree that can cause obesity or any other health problem.

Anther thing that makes our cravings imbalanced is having all kinds of foods available all year round. I think certain fruits grow In This particuLar season for a reason, they fulfilled a need the body wants through this season, example are things like watermelon, they tend to lower your body temperature so it is very good for you in hot days but when u get access to it in winter it ll get u too cold and u ll be looking for something to warm u up so you ll be eating more than you need.

my first recommendation to get back on track with your bodys normal balance is to say a big "no" to any processed food, eat just real natural food and limit your choices by going to a small local grocery store or a farm near by instead of big grocery store that ll get u bombarded by all these foods on shelves and deceive u From What u should really be buying, I know this is not available everywhere specially in middleeastern countries but try get the freshest most natural source u can get.. Be simple and try to cook a basic meal with lots of fresh ingredients and veggies that will get u inspired, Appreciate how tasty and fulfilling natural foods can be.Experiment a week of just raw natural food from earth and let me know how u feel, share it with us so we can get inspired by your experience.there is nothing more healing and inspiring to your health than fresh ingredients from earth to your kitchen.

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